Be Remembered Forever

Unlock Your Uniqueness

Our service enhances individual uniqueness by clearly labeling discernible thoughts, creating robust identity profiles. This data can be applied across diverse fields

Realistic Information

We utilize the most realistic information to prove your existence and create a versatile resource applicable across various fields.

Robust Identity Profiles

We create robust identity profiles that capture your essence and make it timeless, leaving a legacy that will be cherished for generations to come.

Diverse Applicability

Our data can be applied across various fields, making you a piece of history and always there for your loved ones.

Capture Your Essence

Join us in capturing your essence and becoming a piece of history. Our platform utilizes the most realistic information to prove your existence and create a versatile resource applicable across various fields.

Realistic Information

We connect your thoughts on periodic questioning about your thought process, visualizing and simplifying the patterns of your thinking, and estimating deep coordinate values.

Versatile Resource

Your shining coordinates lead into the realm of the 6-dimensional world, applicable across diverse fields, and because we are all different, the system of thought can only be more diverse. We guide you towards the most valuable directions of utilization.

Timeless Legacy

The unique and highly utilitarian orientation of the thought system, originating from your significant coordinates, will become the light of infinity, to be perpetually utilized, recorded, and evolved.


Be a Part of History

We record as it is seen, describe as it is felt, and think as it is heard, connecting your past, present, and future through various methods of technology. History is soon to be the future. Take the first step with us as we connect the future.

Realistic Information

We start with the information visible to the eye, your name, but beyond that,

we record and question the invisible information, replicating your thought process.

Versatile Resource

Through various techniques of distinguishing identities, we visualize the distinctive structures of thoughts into images and extract diverse entities professionally according to applicable fields.

Timeless Legacy

Your records are upgraded on a cloud server, and starting with one hardcopy book, we document and preserve your thought process. We label and organize unique thoughts online, utilizing tags to take actions suitable for the environment.


See Our Work

Check out some of the amazing profiles we've created for individuals who want to leave behind a timeless legacy and become a part of history.


I never thought I could leave behind such a meaningful legacy. Thanks to Unique Existence, I now have a profile that truly captures my essence.


Kelly Williams

Satisfied Customer


Our Impact

Your existence is extremely precious and remarkably unique. Just as there is no future without the past, there is no world without you. Record your vivid power. And forever revel in your existence within the realm of data.


Profiles Created


Legacy Builders


Fields Covered

Ready to Leave Your Mark?

In the future, when AI robots make up 10% of the Earth's population, people will desire robots with individual personalities. These could be online counselors or robots walking around our homes. If electronic control empowers robots, I could give them expressive personalities.

Unique Existence

Join us in capturing your essence and becoming a part of history. Leave behind a legacy that will be cherished for generations to come.

[email protected]

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